
Hello people.
Happy holiday.

Mode: Enjoy the holiday to the fullest since the attachment is almost here. *nervous*

I miss my friends already. Yes, you gurls!!
Sorry la, nak sms kredit x berapa ada.hehe

Btw Syaz, aku dh g Cotton On kat Midvalley. Best gak.
Berangan la jugak kot-kot terserempak ngan Mr.A. XD

Nina, all the best since kau nye attachment awl dr ktorg kan. sila update blog bout ur experience k. heee

P/s: Redang, here we come!!
P/s.s: How to make rainbow w/o the rain? (^__^)


& good luck with ur attachment :)
Anonymous said…
hahahaha aku bru bace post ni.

(mood sedih jap, lepas ni no more Mr A.. sobs.)

hehe. lg besar from sunway ke?
Syugurin said…
Anon, lawak la. ade lak sedih sbb no more Mr.A

aku tak penah pg yg kat sunway tp yg kat midv bese2 je.tak besar sgt.

kirim kat syiimir anythg from cotton on tak? haha
Anonymous said…
owh aku dh pegi cotton on mid! besar compare to sunway. n beli beard papa cream puff skali! dan tgk iron man 2 hehehe.

wajib kirim. tp for flat yg 2 for 60 tu, beli in myr lg murah la. so aku suruh dia survey supre stuff cuz kat sana murah. tp bg hint "survey la for ur sis" hahaha. syue..aku ade crisis dalaman xnk buat attchment. haha ngade je. nway all the best, lets face monday with smgt waja!

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