Meet Cedric (formerly known as Baby-K)

akma & me

sweethearts! :")

Note: We share the same love. We all love camera.


zemi said…
500D ke eh?
Yoyoh said…
Hoiiii, we're forbiden to take that kind of picture! :P
Hahaha eh lawo plek gmbo laki2 aku ho hihihihi
Syugurin said…
zemi: :D

yoyyoh: bkpe forbidden?
oh neva realise dat we share the same guy. heeee
Yoyoh said…
sbb areh kate "doksoh beng ah ambik gmbo gitu, koya ngat" hahaha tp sbb mu tokei, mu dibenarkan :)
aKuma_T0_tenShi said…
tq postkn gmbar pakwe2 ak yg ensem sgan lak ble ko ltk gmbr ak...trserlh "kecntikkan" ak...hehehe....sory kt adik ko...kte pnye mnat yg sme...

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