
*my new winamp skin* happy happy

yayah loves tagged thingy !

Enjoy !

1. last cigarette?

- gue ngak smoking .

2. last beverage:

- Nescafe O

3. last phone call?

- Lupe sudah .

4. last text message

- from Maxis

5. last CD played:

- cant recall

6. last BUBBLE bath:

- idk

7. last time you cried :

- when eh ?

8. last meal

- Just now

SIX have you’s:

1. have you ever dated someone twice?:

- noo

2. have you ever fallen in love?

- Of course

3. have you ever lost someone?:

- Sure

4.have you ever slept until 2pm?:

- Selalu jugee

5. have you ever been drunk and thrown up?

- No no no

SIX things you did in the past three days:

- typing
- watching
- eating

- sleeping
- talking
- laughing

list FIVE people you can tell pretty much anything to –

- Tuyah
- Yayah
- My Darlings
- Ujie
- Strangers haha

list THREE favorite colors —

- Black
- White
- Yellow

list FOUR things you want to do before you die -

- around the world in 800 days
- kahwin dan punya anak :D
- Jadi Hajjah
- ntoh lerr

This month have you…

Laughed until you cried:

- yes

Went behind your parents back?

- huh ?


1. Your last kiss?

- ? ?

2. Gay Marriage?

- That's so gay

3. Lowering the drinking age?

- no idea

4. Straight, Gay, or Bi?

- Lurus.

5. Who are the best huggers that you know?

- idk

6. Do you believe in love at first sight?

- Yes

7. Is there something you want to tell someone?

- Lotsa ;p

8. What brand of shirt are you wearing?

- tak ada brand

9. Would you kiss anyone on your top friends?

- My pleasure

10. What is your current annoyance?

- nothing kott

11. How many kids do you want to have?

- Not decided yet

12. Do you want to change your name?

- Nahh !

13. What did you do for your last birthday?

- Baked my own bday cake.

14.What time did you wake up today?

- Late very late

15. What were you doing at midnight last night:

- chatting with alan

16. Name something you CANNOT wait to do:

- The suprise thingy

17. What is your favorite thing in your room?

- Bed

18. Where is your best friend right now?

- in her sis' house (miss u babe)

Who do you wanna tag?

- you !


yayah, restless do means worried and uneasy

Moral of the story : listen to your English teacher ! :D


Anonymous said…
nk gk skin yamapi...mane jmpa n???
Syugurin said…
sy lupe la.nnti sy cri then bg link ye.hehe

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